About The Community : Read Below!!!

One God| One Health|One Mission



Job Creation

Community Engagement

The Spreading of Christ’s Message and Gospel using healthcare and the planting of Churches to proclaim the good news of the kingdom, and heal diseases and sickness among the people. Mashindi Medical Missions a a multi-faceted project that will be able to help lift the Zaka Community from various angles. As we look to primarily cement ourselves in ministry and health, we have been developing a project that will allow us to reach the community and different community demographics.

In June 2023, we will officially open the Mashindi Medical Missions Health Facility and Staff Housing. The Hospital will have 25 beds for outpatient and 45 beds for inpatient care.

There will also be a General Out Patient Clinic that will be staffed with a qualified team of nurses & doctors, the outpatient clinic will assess and examine patients for all illnesses. The outpatient clinic will provide screening, monitoring and assessment for numerous illnesses and conditions including Antenatal Care, Postnatal Care, Respiratory Issues, HIV/AIDS, TB, Malaria, & Mental Health Counseling.

There will also be an In-House Pharmacy which will take prescriptions and deliver medicinal care for in & out-patients persons. Equipped with medicines and vaccines, this pharmacy will allow local persons to cut travel time and receive holistic care on the spot.

General In-Patient Care: Our In Patient Care will allow for the monitoring, evaluation and assemenrt of mild to severe medical cases. With 21st century monitoring, medicinal care and physician & nurse follow-up, those in our in-patient care will receive in-depth medical attention from specialists and qualified healthcare professionals.

The Commitment

Together We Can

We always believe that God has some work for us to do somewhere all the time.

The great commission pushes us through and gives us the commitent we want to achieve great work for God. In August 2021 a team of men and women travelled to Zaka, Zimbabwe to do this work.

Building In Zaka